A Day We'll Never Forget
September 29, 2004 is a day this family will never forget. We had spent the day in Atlanta getting documents state certified for an adoption in China. When we returned home, their was a phone message from Cindy the director of Cameron's adoption agency, World Partners.
In her message Cindy told us that she had some information from Gulzhan in Kazakhstan that she wanted to share with us. She assured us that it wasn't anything bad. When the message ended, I turned to Tom and said, "Cameron has a bio brother or sister."
Although it was already 5:00 p.m., I took a chance and called World Partners. Cindy was out, but her husband Jim answered the phone. He wasn't sure what was going on, but put us on hold. When he came back he read from an email which Cindy had received from Gulzhan. I was right, Cameron has a bio sibling. She was available for adoption.
But then came the shock. She is 10 years old. The only information they had about her was that her name and her birthday, that she excelled in school and was a good girl. We were shocked, we were stunned. I stuttered, I explained how far along we were with our paperwork for China. I didn't see how we could. But I told Jim we would think about it.
Less than 3 hours later, we were calling World Partners to let them know that we wanted to learn more about "KJ." I talked to Cindy the following day, September 30. I also put out feelers amongst those who had adopted older children in Petropavlovsk, which is where Cameron is from. What is it like to adopt an older child? Is it possible they met her while adopting their child?
In the meantime, days went by and we heard nothing from World Partners. So, the morning of October 6, Tom called to talk to Cindy. When she called back, she told us she had a picture of "KJ!" She emailed it to us and we spoke to her on the phone. The first thing either of us said, was how much Cameron looks like her. It was amazing! Cindy also forwarded the original email from Gulzhan. From reading it we also learned that "KJ" enjoys gymnastics.
It's October 7th now, and we have to wait for more information. We need a video and medical information so that we can make a final decision.
We feel that God has some kind of plan for us, that He is making known. There was a reason we learned of "KJ" before our dossier went to China. We know he has GREAT plans for our lives.
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