Day Thirteen or...
Following the Letter of the Law
We were able to have Katya all day again today. So, we followed our familiar routine... lunch in the hotel room, naps, and basketball in the gym.
Marina also spent time explaining to Katya about court and how Mama and Papa will have to return to the States for a couple weeks and then come back for her. We got her Disney Princess calendar out and showed her the dates and the countdown to our arrival. We talked about how this is hard for Mama and Papa too. First, we will have to leave her, and then we'll have to leave Cameron.
Katya also practiced answering questions the judge might ask of her.
Then we had to go pick up a government official to bring back to the Shelter with us. We have to present photos in court prooving that this official witnessed our visit. It was all quite amusing!
While we waited for Sergei to return from taking the offical back, we spoke some to Galina about Katya. Seems Katya has trouble focusing on a task for more than a few minuts at a time, and is easily distracted. This might explain why she doesn't enjoy reading. We also learned that the reason she isn't in gymnastics class, was because she was cutting the class, which is after school, to play with her friends. The gymnastics coach really wanted her to take lessons, as he felt she has great potential. I told Galina, I planned to enroll Katya in gymnastics, and that I'll be there to observe the lessons. ;-)
Then is was back to the hotel for supper and an early bedtime. Both Tom and I have colds, which is cramping our style a tad.
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