Saturday, April 02, 2005

Day Two

Today was the second day of our official visits with Katya, although it was our first full visit with her. But first we had to go "Immigration", and have our passports registered as legal visitors in Petropavlovsk.

Our visit today was from 10:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. We'll be meeting at that time for a few more days. We are sharing our travel partners' interpreter, Asel, until Marina arrives, hopefully by Wednesday. Then we will have visits twice a day.

Cameron couldn't wait to see his sister today, and jumped into her arms for hugs and kisses. We had brought her Hello Kitty backpack today, so we slowly made our way through the contents during the visit. Everyone made good use of the balloons. Katya delighted Cameron by blowing them up and then letting them good to fly around the room.

Tom and I worked a little on her English. She is quite eager to learn. She seems to have a keen interest in learning new things. She gets good marks at school, and her favorite subject is math! She now can count to 10 in English and is staring to learn the English alphabet. She also practiced writing her new name in English.

She is very precise in everything she does and very neat as well. She seems especially atuned to younger children and is wonderful with Cameron.

To Vika and Laura: Galina opened her packet today and showed the photos to Katya. She remembers Vika and her friend very well. We told her that she will see Vika this summer!

Tomorrow we will be taking her to a local restaurant that is considered a "Children's Cafe." I believe it's Petro's version of Chuck E. Cheese.

We are still not used to the time difference. Falling asleep very early and waking up even earlier. Cameron especially is having some challenges, but is hanging in there like a trooper.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Michele, Tom, Cameron, and Katya,

What a beautiful family you are!! Katya is so happy looking, and we are very happy for all of you. It is so fortunate that these children can now be together with their forever family :)

1:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations! You are a beautiful family. It is so great to see how KJ loves her little brother! Say hi to the Petro folks--Sveta, and Dr. Rimma.
Thanks for sharing your story! Laura Kirschner

12:51 PM  

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