Tuesday, May 10, 2005


Today was devoted to shopping. We visited the Ramstore and the Green Market. At the Ramstore we had lunch and did some food shopping. We found a video store upstairs and purchased 4 movies and a music CD. We got a Looney Tunes and Stuart Little for Vika and Looney Tunes and Peter Pan for Katya. I'm sure that Katya will lend her movies to Vika, though!

The battery on the play cell phone that I brought for Katya went dead, so we found a cheap play cell phone ($1.10) at the Green Market for her. There was an upscale children's store at the Ramstore, where Katya saw a Barbie portable CD player that she wanted. But it was almost $100!! I know they have them at Walmart at home for much, much cheaper. Try telling that to a 10 year old that wants it NOW!!! ;-D

Back at the apartment, Katya watched her movies, and Mama fixed her some Manti for dinner.

We are planning on taking a drive up to the mountains with Rhonda and Ian tomorrow, weather permitting.

Katya has her medical appointment scheduled Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. Then it's the visa interview at the US Embassy on Friday. We'll be leaving for the airport in the wee hours of Saturday morning, probably around midnight.

Still no luck posting photos. I'll have to wait until our return.

We talked to Cameron this evening, as he was eating his Sunday pancakes. It was difficult this time, as I'm really starting to miss him. :-(



Blogger Jerry Tall said...

Several Picassa/Hello forum members suggested creating and using a new Hello account. The Blogger account remains unchanged. It worked for me. Hope this helps!


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