Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Packed and Ready to Go Posted by Hello


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day 1 from Georgia...
Good morning, Mama & Daddy. I got up early at 6:15 this morning, but I fell asleep last night at 8:00! I played with my new truck till 4:00 yesterday afternoon. I tried to take a nap but only felt like resting for awhile, so Grandma fixed my dinner, I had a bath (splash, splash, splash) and went happily to bed and right to sleep. Before that Grandma & I looked at the little plane on the computer screen as it flew away from Atlanta to bring Katya home. "Bye for now. I love you. Cameron

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Day 2 from Georgia...
Or - as you've said previously - it already seems kind of like "Groundhog Day" (but in a good way). Cam's a sweetheart and puts up with my fumbling attempts to master the intricate locking mechanisms in a childproofed house.

The rain that was forecast never materialized here today so we had some outside time and a walk with the stroller down to the corner for a newspaper. Perhaps tomorrow we'll venture farther from home.

Sleepy time did not come quite so easily tonight, but it finally did and I was able to have that longed for shower and shampoo :-)

Sending love to the 3 of you, who'll be together forever by the time you read this.

8:49 AM  

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