44 + X = ??
There have now been two changes that will probably lengthen our stay in Kazakhstan. Not that we don't love Kazakhstan, but geesh!
The first change was made by the US Embassy in Almaty. All foreign passports are being checked to see if the holders are threats to homeland security. Yes, a 9 month old baby or a 10 year old girl might be a terrorist. But, anyway, the Sisters were submitting the passports early, so that this check would not hold anything up. Well, the US Embassy will not allow this anymore. We might have our stay lenghtened by 1, 2 ?? days waiting for Homeland Security to decide that KJ doesn't pose a security threat.
And now, Kazakhstan will not provide one day turnarounds on the issuance of passports. No one knows how much longer it will take. But it means, we'll have to stay in Petropavlovsk until the passport is in our hot little hands. With Cameron, our facilitator took the overnight train to Astana, got the passport and was on the next overnight train back to Petropavlovsk.
Our 44 day trip seems to be getting longer by the minute! I'm bringing 250 Huggies for Cameron, and at this rate, that won't be enough!!
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