At Last!
I spoke to our agency, and they have our dossier! It arrived safely, and everything appears to be in order.
So, what happens next? A copy of our dossier will be shipped to Kazakhstan. A translation of the dossier will be emailed back in about 2 weeks. Then, the dossier will be sent to the Kazakhstan Embassy in NYC. Once it clears there, it will travel through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of Education. At that point, we will be issued a Letter of Invitation, which will allow us to get our travel visas. In the meantime, the Sisters will be working on a court date for us.
It appears that there is still a chance that we will travel at the end of February, but March at the latest. Amazing to think that we might be in Kazahstan exactly two years after we were there adopting Cameron. We would never have dreamed of such a possiblity back then!
It's Amber Lynn who used to post on The Baby Corner. (I have a little sister from Guatemala, Mackenzie.) I randomnly stopped back there today and clicked on a link in your siggy. How suprised and excited I was to see that you are adopting again! I wish you the best of luck and hope that things move quickly for you!
Here's a recent pic of Kizie:
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