Saturday, March 05, 2005

An Open Letter to the Travel Fairy

Dear Travel Fairy,

I know there must be good reasons why you have not visited us yet. But we want you to know how ready we are for your arrival.

We have a huge stack of new bills waiting for us in the safe at our credit union. We received our new notebook computer so that we can have internet access and watch DVDs from the comfort of our hotel room. Michele has her new BIFOCAL glasses so she can read on the plane. Our housesitters and babysitter are ready and sitting on go. We have travel rolls of toilet paper packed for emergencies. All we need is word from you that we can go!

Every day, Cameron says, "Go to Kazakhstan, NOW!" Won't you please heed his plea and bring us our travel dates? We thought you might come on the 2nd anniversary of your last visit. We laid out the welcome mat, baked cookies, and anxiously waited. But alas, you did not arrive.

So, we are asking, we are requesting, nay, we are begging, PLEASE, TRAVEL FAIRY, COME!

Michele, Tom, and Cameron


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